Ethekweni Mountain Bike Association

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By: Margie


Those riders who have not renewed and continue to use their 2009 White boards, or those who have renewed and can’t be bothered to change boards PLEASE TAKE NOTE

If you have a White EMBA board on your bike you are riding illegally and you are jeopardising EMBA for all those riders who obey the rules. Whichever category you fall into, we do have a data base of your details. If you are an ex-rider we will, initially use a “Name & Shame” policy and thereafter your name and details will be forwarded to TH for further action as they deem fit, and this could include being charged with trespass. For those who have renewed, the excuse that you “have already renewed, but not collected your board” is NOT A VALID EXCUSE, and your name and details will be forwarded to the Disciplinary Committee for further action. Until such time as you have and display a YELLOW 2010 board you may not ride on TH land.

Those riders who are legally on the land- please discourage, politely, those you see who are damaging your future prospects of riding in the cane.

There are far too many complaints of white boards being sighted out on the routes. In addition there are complaints of riders not adhering to regulation times.

For those who have not renewed and still hope to do so, please do not just send in your renewal form. We only have a few licences left and you need to check before applying.

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