Ethekweni Mountain Bike Association

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By: Margie

Change to communication system 13 August 2020

Dear Riders

Our current system of communicating is proving to be unsatisfactory.  From my side using the bulk SMS and Email system seems to work, but the reality is that so many riders don’t get the messages for whatever reason. The new system will be twofold

  1. I will be sending What’s App Broadcast Messages, and for those who have not heard of this, this is a one-way system and NOT a chat group. The advantages are not getting bogged down in myriads of chats going backwards and forwards and also ensuring the privacy of riders, as the message will appear to only go to the recipient.  Any replies will only come to me.  To make sure you receive your WAs you need to set up the following number as a contact on your phone

MargieEmba +27 65 134 8076

This number and my current one will both be both available for contacting me.

  • And, yes, I know there are riders who don’t use WhatsApp.  There will also be an Email sent out. The email TODAY is going out via our current Group Mail setup, but this will be falling away after this mail.  The email address [email protected]will cease to exist. 

The new emails will either come from:  [email protected]   or [email protected], and again I am available via both email addresses, again to protect privacy, they will go out BCC messages.

The two email addresses are being used to circumvent the 500 daily limit imposed by Gmail

As an additional back up the messages will be put up on the two EMBA Face Book pages.  Hopefully this means that everyone will, actually, receive messages!

The trial run of this will be done over the weekend in order to get these working smoothly. I will do all of the above and if you do not receive these messages contact me.  Re the Emails, please check your SPAM before you contact me, as, even though both these email addresses are in my name, when I sent from one to the other the message went to SPAM

Kind regards


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