Ethekweni Mountain Bike Association

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By: Margie


To All Mt. Edgecombe Riders. Please read this notice very carefully.
The initial single track section from Mt. Edgecombe is no more as development construction has now fenced off its access.
The new temporary route is as follows:
Please be aware of construction vehicles at all times. 

EMBA members please note the semi-permanent change to route access from Mt. Edgecombe

MOST IMPORTANT: Be aware that construction vehicles, taxis and farm vehicles also use the section of road you’ll now use to gain access to the sugarcane routes at Mt. Edgecombe.

Access to and exit from the sugarcane routes from Flanders Drive, Mt. Edgecombe is as follows.

1. Follow Flanders Drive over the M41 as usual and stay on it.

2. Follow Flanders Drive as it curves down to the left. Look for the arrows turing you off the road.

3. Approximately 50m down Flanders Drive there is a direction sign to Flanders Quarry. Take the road towards Flanders Quarry. Follow green arrows down the hill.

4. Stay on the road until the normal left turn to the single-track across the slatted bridge.

5. On your return use the same way to Flanders drive

DO NOT try to ride the old single-track sections as the old access point is blocked by drainage excavations for Cornubia Mall and the middle section is now being readied for a six lane bridge to be built over it.

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